My Highlights of 2005 and Goals for 2006
Professional Highlights in 2005:
- WilsonORMapper Updated Several Times -- Generics, Nullables, Inheritance, Lookup Joins, and more
- WilsonUIMapper v1.0 Released Publicly -- Several Well-Known Architects also Discussed UI Mappers
- Speaker at the 1st Atlanta Code Camp -- Released Working Demo App for NHibernate used in my Talk
- Slightly Better Community Involvement -- ASPInsider Summit, C# User Group, and Podcast Interviews
- Also Very Busy with my Client Projects -- ASP.NET, WinForms, and most of all major Database Work
Professional Goals for 2006:
- WilsonWebPortal to be Released Soon -- This was a hopeful goal for 2005 but definitely to be done soon
- Update both WebPortal and ORMapper -- There's always more to do, but the ORMapper is very complete
- Speak more at Atlanta groups and events -- I went from 0 to 1 last year, so maybe I can do several more
- Write articles on my WebPortal experience -- Lots of custom providers used, especially with O/R Mapper
- Start looking ahead more at the next wave -- Workflow, Indigo, Linq and even DLing, Avalon, IIS 7, Atlas
Personal Highlights in 2005:
- Jenny is cancer free and working now
- Worked on yard and some of house
- Tori's dance recital was phenomenal
- Zack reading great and started piano
- Small but nice vacation in Gatlinburg
Personal Goals for 2006:
- Support Jenny in reconstruction phase
- Finish the basement and maybe yard
- Exercise more and get in better shape
- Another small but nice family vacation
- Plan for Hawaii vacation in early 2007