Tim Haines is putting up $150 to get some AJAX brainstorming underway

Tim Haines is conducting a "blogversation" to get people brainstorming some ways to use AJAX with his e-commerce store.  The interesting thing to me is the incentive -- he's putting up a $150 Amazon voucher to the "winner".  See his blog post for the rules if you want to compete, and if nothing else leave a comment for one of the participants as your "vote".  Sure I think AJAX is cool (just like it was 5-6 years ago when some of use were doing it without the fancy name), but I'm more intrigued by Tim's method here than anything else -- will this result in some novel ideas?


  • Actually I've thought about doing that before, but thought that it's kinda cruel to dangle that tiny little carrot for brain trust <g>...

    That said though content coming in through BLOG comments tends to be just as valuable as the actual content in many entries and this is one way to bring more traffic and input. It's a clever idea.

  • What a cool publicity stunt! Generates traffic, hopefully some cool ideas... It's a "can't loose" situation, I think.


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