Have You Seen My Website Yet?
Have you seen WilsonDotNet.com yet? Well, you should take a minute and check it out. I'm using some really cool technologies to put out a simple yet effective website. Take the design for a second. You want to get a jump on MasterPages in ASP.NET 2.0? They you should check out MasterPages in ASP.NET v1.* (http://ASPAlliance.com/PaulWilson/Articles/?id=14). Its not just very effective, allowing me to not have to worry about mixing content and design, but it is MasterPages. I converted my entire site from MasterPages v1.* to MasterPages v2.0 in about 1 minute.
Another cool thing I'm doing comes from my innovative use of localization. Did you know that my entire website comes from resource strings. I built a rock-solid localization framework that allows me to display all of my website content in multiple languages, it doesn't take any extra effort to make that content available to you.
Did you know that none of my web pages contain static styles or layouts. Every single web page allows the user to select the color and layout, using a framework called WilsonDotNet. This framework, and many controls that are included, has been available since 2002, so why wait for others with less to offer promised in 2004. I want this to be the fastest possible, and so it includes extremely efficient caching techniques for all localization.
One of my favorite parts of the site is the graphic image buttons. On all pages, that graphic comes from a DynamicImage control that creates localizable buttons in user-specified colors at run-time, again with efficient caching. I also have navigational SiteMap file, just like ASP.NET v2.0, except mine are available now using the exact same format, that works with menu and tree server controls, which again makes converting to v2.0 very easy. I also still have the only way to have multiple server forms in ASP.NET, which remains true in v2.0, and the full source code for the WilsonWebForm is also included.
A few more nifty things are already available too. I've made every bit of my source code available in C# on the site, and the best of it is also available in VB, to show exactly how these cool .NET controls make my user experience better. You see promises of cool stuff on some other websites frequently mentioned in these blogs, but its hard to beat just clicking "view source" to get the actual .NET code to see how its done.
Well, I'm done tooting my own horn for the first and only time here. Just thought I'd take a second and point out how great I am, so that maybe the next time you need a solution, you'll give me your business.
Note: All of the above post is actually true, but its actually meant to be a satirical comment on this post of Robert McLaws: http://weblogs.asp.net/rmclaws/posts/39365.aspx.