Online Aggregator:

I've been wanting an online aggregator for a while, but so far I had not been to impressed.  Until now that is.  So far I'm rather impressed with -- you can even view my public subscriptions.  Why an online aggregator?  I can easily access all the feeds I want from multiple computers, even public computers, without multiple aggregators running.  I can also catch up on new subscriptions, since the past feeds are already in their database in most cases.  I can also save my favorites in a private folder, again from any computer.  My main gripe so far -- I haven't found a way to have all the various feeds sorted together.


  • Hi Paul,

    What do you mean by "have all the various feeds sorted together ?"

    Since I'm preparing my own Online Aggregator, which will be published in about 2 or 3 weeks, I'm gathering all feature requests and ideas to provide a valuable service :)

  • There should be an option to just see all items in chronological order, regardless of originating feed, instead of just viewing each feed separately. Like:

    Feed 1 -- Item 11/22/2003 6am

    Feed 2 -- Item 11/22/2003 2am

    Feed 3 -- Item 11/21/2003 9pm

    Feed 2 -- Item 11/21/2003 4pm

    Feed 3 -- Item 11/21/2003 1pm

    Feed 1 -- Item 11/21/2003 8am

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