Mats Helander has released ObjectMapper
Mats Helander has released his ObjectMapper, with support for both NHibernate and his own NPersist (others, possibly my WilsonORMapper, may be supported in the future):
MatsSoft ObjectMapper 2005 is the flexible, power-packed yet easy-to-use O/R Editor that finally turns Object/Relational Mapping into a visual experience! Whether you prefer to begin by modeling your domain classes in UML or you have an existing database that you want to wrap, ObjectMapper is the tool for you! With ObjectMapper's powerful code generators and reverse engineering engines, you can go from database to code and mapping files in less than a minute. And ObjectMapper creates a real, object oriented class model from your relational database - not just a class model that looks like a relational database! Conversely, ObjectMapper is just as happy when asked to figure out a fully normalized relational database schema for the classes in your UML Diagrams - and to generate the actual database as well. ObjectMapper 2005 is the must-have tool for all .NET developers who are serious about their O/R Mapping. With one-click generation of all O/R Mapping settings, the room for mistakes is minimal - and if, despite this, some error should find its way into your model, the built-in Model Verifier will immediately let you know what is wrong - and usually tell you how to fix it, too!
I pointed ObjectMapper at an existing database of mine and successfully created some NHibernate mappings (very similar to my WilsonORMapper) and entity classes -- yeah !