UI Mappers Making News -- OR Mappers Are Common
The other item of interest to me was the discussion of "UI Mappers" -- apparently both Patrik Löwendahl and Roger Johansson are building their own UI Mappers now (update: Roger is building an O/O Mapper). Of course, as my readers know, I've had a UI Mapper in beta for some time, and in production at a client, so this really makes me think I need to find the time to finish it up. :) By the way, I'm sorry for tooting my own horn, but I'm just thrilled to see them use the term "UI Mapper", especially with the likes of Martin Fowler being present, since I invented the term on this blog 6 months ago (at least to my knowledge) ! Oh well, now I need to find the time to finish it up, adding support for other O/R Mappers and 3rd party controls -- what do my readers think about the concept?