WilsonORMapper v3.1 Released One Year Exactly After v1.0

WilsonORMapper v3.1.0.0 (released on 1/7/2005) includes the following:

New Features:

Map Properties or Member Fields -- My Preference is Member Fields
Mappings can be in defined in Multiple Files or Embedded Resources
New ExecuteScalar Method and Stored Proc Override for ExecuteCommand
Relationships for Composite Keys -- Warning: Very Little Testing
Added Support for Output Parameters with Stored Procedure Options


Improved Embedded Objects -- Multiple Levels, Interface Optional
Mapper attempts to Resolve Mapping Paths or Load Embedded Resources
Better Exception Handling, No longer Catching and Eating Exceptions
Improved Parameter Typing necessary for Providers that do not Check
Recursive BaseType Check for Inheritance Support in ObjectSet Add

Bug Fixes:

Added Date Delimiter for Access, Date Format for Access and Oracle
Support Providers that do not support Timeouts, like MySql ByteFX
Default Parameter Names for Fields with Spaces/Dashes in their Names
ObjectHolder Key Setter for Null Values, Other Isolated Bug Fixes
ORHelper: Small Improvements and Fixes, VB Code for Initialization

And a special thanks to each of the following contributors to v3.1
Chris Schletter (http://www.thzero.com) -- Mapping Properties, Embedded Objects
Nick Franceschina (http://www.simpulse.net) -- Help with Composite Key Relations
Stephan Wagner (http://www.calac.net) -- Command Timeouts, Parameter Names
Ken Muse (http://www.MomentsFromImpact.com) -- Date Delimiter, Date Format
Alister McIntyre (http://www.aruspex.com.au) -- Stored Proc Output Parameters
Stephen Roughley (http://www.RedBlackSoftware.co.uk) -- Default Parameter Names
Gerrod Thomas (http://www.Gerrod.com) -- ObjectHolder Key Setter


  • Nice! Congrats on the new release.

  • Ah, you made my day by fixing the exception handling! That was a big pain when debuging. :)

  • I'm new to your mapper...

    "Better Exception Handling, No longer Catching and Eating Exceptions"

    The fact that you were ever eating exceptions makes me a little scared to use this in my applications... and to fix it in v3.1 makes me even more worried. I would put that into "bug fixes" rather than "improvements".

  • AJ: Its hard to disagree with that in general, but there was one exceptional case. Basically, people often have object A related 1-n to object B and object B related n-1 to object A. For the default lazy-loading scenario this works fine, but when someone turns off lazy-loading then this was a scenario where an infinite set of relations could become a huge problem! Since my mapper does not require a base class, its not easy to deal with some situations like that, so I found a way to cause an exception -- and I ate it on purpose since that was my intent. Unfortunately there was opportunity for other exceptions to get ate in the process. Anyhow, this is now fixed (not an easy thing to do), but while it was less than idea before, it was there for a reason and didn't exactly make the mapper unstable as you are maybe suspecting -- it was very stable.

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