CSLA: My Thoughts and Opinions
I have said a few times that there was a bug in CSLA, at least in an early version, where DataReaders do not get closed. I should instead have said that this bug was in the examples of how to use CSLA, which are found in the CSLA book, not in the CSLA core framework itself. That is a legitimate distinction, and I erred in not making it, but it should also be noted that many people follow these examples of usage.
Positive Note:
If you are new to object-oriented programming, or at least business objects, then I heartily recommend Rocky Lhotka's books. The CSLA framework that he develops in his books is one of the best explanations of how to build a business object framework available (if not the best). I owned the previous VB6 version, and now have a .NET version, and I can honestly say that I have learned from Rocky's books and speaking.
Negative Note:
As I have said a few times, and has apparently offended some CSLA groupies, you should never assume that any framework or tool is perfect or ready-to-use in your situation. CSLA, like any framework or tool, may include things that you do not need which can make it heavy, it requires a commitment to learn, and it may not save as much time as other tools when used manually (without code gen). Be prepared to make changes.
I sale an O/R Mapper, if you can call $50 and free upgrades for live selling, which I think is one of the simplest tools out there, as well as being easy to extend when necessary. It has some overlap with CSLA, so it can be perceived that my comments are made to increase my sales. Of course, CSLA and my O/R Mapper can most likely be used together, since what my mapper does is what CSLA leaves undone, and vice versa.
Personal Note:
I hope that this somehow proves that I am at least somewhat objective and positive, and not just "trash" talking, misleading, or being dishonest when it comes to CSLA. There are many styles and possible solutions in .NET -- I have used CSLA on a major project and do not want to do so again -- but I can say the same about many other techniques I have used in the past too. Feel free to similarly critique my O/R Mapper, but please don't make it personal and simply "trash" talk me for simply stating my opinions. Finally, I would like to say thank you to the many people that have positively appreciated my comments in the past -- and were glad to know they were not alone in their experiences -- and I understand why most of you preferred to only communicate in private emails to avoid the very groupie talk that I have fell into.