Thanks to Contributors of WilsonORMapper v2.1
I want to give a very special thanks to several of my subscribers for their contributions to the just released WilsonORMapper Version 2.1:
1) David D'Amico and Craig Tucker improved the ORHelper to automatically handle 1-to-many and many-to-1 relations, as well as adding default null-values. These changes to the ORHelper, which I don't usually try to improve since its just a help tool, are definitely going to be a significant assistance.
2) Jerry Shea add support for composite (multiple column) keys, enumerated member types, and an improvement to the ObjectHolder's InnerObject. The composite key capability may not apply to many users, but its huge for those that were needing this support.
3) Ken Muse added the GetObjectCount method, for getting record counts.
Thanks to everyone, Paul Wilson