KickStart - Application Initialization Framework

Application start-up helper to initialize things like an IoC container, register mapping information or run a task.


  • Run tasks on application start-up
  • Extension model to add library specific start up tasks
  • Common IoC container adaptor
  • Sigleton instance of an application level IoC container


The KickStart library is available on via package name KickStart.

To install KickStart, run the following command in the Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package KickStart


This example will scan the assembly containing UserModule. Then it will find all Autofac modules and register them with Autofac. Then, all AutoMapper profiles will be registered with Automapper. Finally, it will find all classes that implement IStartupTask and run it.

Kick.Start(config => config


  • StartupTask - Run any class that implements IStartupTask
  • Autofac - Registers all Autofac Module classes and creates the container
  • AutoMapper - Registers all AutoMapper Profile classes
  • log4net - Use log4net as a logger
  • MongoDB - Registers all BsonClassMap classes with MongoDB serialization
  • Ninject - Registers all NinjectModule classes and creates an IKernal
  • NLog - Use NLog as a logger
  • SimpleInjector - Run all ISimpleInjectorRegistration instances allowing container registration
  • Unity - Run all IUnityRegistration instances allowing container registration


The StartupTask extension allows running code on application start-up. To use this extension, implement the IStartupTask interface. Use the Priority property to control the order of execution.

Basic usage

Kick.Start(config => config
    .IncludeAssemblyFor<UserModule>() // where to look for tasks
    .UseStartupTask() // include startup tasks in the Kick Start        

Use the Common Container to resolve startup tasks

Kick.Start(config => config
    .UseAutofac() // init Autofac or any other IoC as container
    .UseStartupTask(c => c.UseContainer()) // config to use the shared container


The Autofac extension allows registration of types to be resolved. The extension also creates a default container and sets it to the Kick.Container singleton for access later.

Basic usage

Kick.Start(config => config
    .IncludeAssemblyFor<UserRepository>() // where to look for tasks
    .UseAutofac() // initialize Autofac        

Use with ASP.NET MVC

Kick.Start(c => c
    .UseAutofac(a => a
        .Builder(b => b.RegisterControllers(typeof(MvcApplication).Assembly)) // register all controllers 
        .Container(r => DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new AutofacDependencyResolver(r))) // set resolver

To install Autofac extension, run the following command in the Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package KickStart.Autofac


The SimpleInjector extension allows registration of types to be resolved by running all instances of ISimpleInjectorRegistration. The extension also creates a default container and sets it to the Kick.Container singleton for access later.

Basic usage

Kick.Start(config => config
    .IncludeAssemblyFor<UserRepository>() // where to look
    .UseSimpleInjector () // initialize SimpleInjector         

To install SimpleInjector extension, run the following command in the Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package KickStart.SimpleInjector


The Unity extension allows registration of types to be resolved by running all instances of IUnityRegistration. The extension also creates a default container and sets it to the Kick.Container singleton for access later.

Basic usage

Kick.Start(config => config
    .IncludeAssemblyFor<UserRepository>() // where to look
    .UseUnity () // initialize Unity         

To install Unity extension, run the following command in the Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package KickStart.Unity


Use NLog as a logger for KickStart

Basic usage

Kick.Start(c => c

Configure NLog to use ConsoleTarget

Kick.Start(c => c
    .UseNLog(config =>
        var consoleTarget = new ConsoleTarget();
        consoleTarget.Layout = "${time} ${level:padding=1:fixedLength=true} ${logger:shortName=true} ${message} ${exception:format=tostring}";        
        config.AddTarget("console", consoleTarget);
    var consoleRule = new LoggingRule("*", NLog.LogLevel.Trace, consoleTarget);


To install NLog extension, run the following command in the Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package KickStart.NLog


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