First blog from the author of NetSpell

Hello Everyone.  I decided I'd join the bandwagon and start bloging.   This blog will be mostly about software development in the .net framework.  Over the years I've come up with some interesting ideas and solutions. I hope share them though this medium.

The biggest thing I might be known for is the spell checker I've developed called NetSpell.  I've really enjoyed this project because it has challenged me in many ways.  I’ve written an article on code project that talks more about it.  While the current version works well, I have big plans for improvement.  Want to help?

I'm currently in the final stretch on development of version 3.0.  The one big thing that this version will have is As You Type spell checking in a RichTextBox.  Implementing this actually proved to be much more difficult then I had expected.  But, I believe I finally have it working.  I'm still getting a bit of flicker in the RichTextBox though.  

My long term plans are to make NetSpell more modular so its technologies can be used in other ways.   Things like phonetic coding and edit distance have uses other then in a spell checker.  I also what to find a better dictionary structure for the word list. I'm hoping to implant a Trie structure or maybe a b-tree.  Has anyone implemented a trie structure in .net?  Another big thing I'd like to add to the NetSpell project is a language lexer that supports Unicode, breaks the text into words, sentences and paragraphs. 

Well, this is just an introduction.  I plan to blog a lot about my spell checker.  I've also become an expert on the RichTextBox so I will be sharing things I've learned about that.

~ Paul


  • How is the project progessing? I have just downloaded a copy of NetSpell, compiled it using VS2005 - but for some reason the dll won't load..

  • Hello

    Can you help me getting a Danish dictionary (.dic) for Netspell.
    I have got English, Swedish, Norwegian and other languages, but need a Danish dictionary

    Thank you

  • hi i have a problem using Netspell and was looking for some help on it. I have integrated the netspell in 2 different projects (in the same website) in the individual projects it is working absolutely fine. but when i make few changes ,say that i have added a word to the dictionary , i am not able to see those changes in the other project which gets the "text " that need to be checked for spelling mistakes from the previous project.
    I feel that the main reason for this is i am loading the dictionary folder in bot of the projects . which means that each project is looking for the words which are in their own dictionary folder.

    So , my question is , is there a way by which we could shoe the dictionary file and the netspell .dll files in a common location , so that it could be accessed by all the projects in the web site ?

  • Errr, do you know if and where i can download v.3.0. I REALLY need the as-you-type functionality :S:S

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