Phil Scott's WebLog

Quite exciting this computer magic

  • Wide Spread Piracy

    CNet is reporting that a volume license key is already floating around the net for Windows 2003 Server which "could lead to widespread piracy of the software."  They go on to mention the fact that Microsoft will make it impossible for people to update their servers that are using this key.  I cannot comprehend why one would install a server that can't be updated.  I guess the same type of people that would run their company on stolen server software are the same type of people that wouldn't update their server too. 

  • SimCity Updates

    Totally off topic, but SimCity holds a special place in my heart because the original SimCity was what got me hooked on computers.  Anyways, Simcity 4 had some bugs that prevented the biggest sky-scrapers from appearing.  If you want to see something scary, check out their message boards.  People were threatening lawsuits against Maxis, demanding that the patch be released immediately, and making all kinds of threats about Maxis telling them to tell a date they will release the patch, and Maxis could only tell them soon.  Be thankful that you only have to develop mission-critical software, and not games for 15 year olds. has a poem for the patch:

  • More SharpReader

    One little cool feature I found while playing with SharpReader.  I was dragging links around from Brad's site, and it was adding them with no problem.  Until I got ot Ingo's site.  It couldn't add the site for some reason.  So I went to Ingo's site, found the RSS uri and did it myself.  Weird, I wonder why drag and drop doesn't work for that site.  Well, it seems it uses some sort of hueristics to make a good guess at the RSS file for a webpage.  I had actually been dragging links to the blogs, not the rss file from Brad's site.  Neat-o.  Not perfect (adding Tim's site picked up the uri for the MSDN feeds for his feed), but still a nice little feature.

  • OPML

    I'm playing around with the highly acclaimed SharpReader, slowly adding in a bunch of links.  Anyone willing to post their OPML file with their links of .NET (and development in general) file?  Adding in RSS helps cover a lot of the blogs I read, but there are still 100s more it seems.

  • browseCaps

    Mitch was asking about an updated Browsecaps file.  Supposively, CyScape is keeping this updates.  All you have to do is give them your life story so they can probably spam the hell out of you in exchange for a browseCaps.ini file from freakin' Feb 2000.  Great....

  • Code Bloooooat

    Sam has discovered the wonders of .NET sucking up disk space.  Although, I'd be surprised at it already eating up 6GB with just the OS.  I've got VS.NET 2002, all of Office 2003, and SQL Server and right now I'm at 5.5gb.  If I was to take a guess, it would be a paging file out of control.  Right now, w/ 512mb of ram the max size is set to 1.5gb.  I'd image that if you had 1gb of RAM, it would swell to 3gb.  I mean, it's hard to imaging that you could get 6gb of data from one CD :)

  • All the Rage

    Stuck at work setting up my class, so I've decided to blow some time with this BlogShares thingy after seeing Scott and Eli joining on.  Now I just need to figure out who to invest in.