Code Bloooooat
Sam has discovered the wonders of .NET sucking up disk space. Although, I'd be surprised at it already eating up 6GB with just the OS. I've got VS.NET 2002, all of Office 2003, and SQL Server and right now I'm at 5.5gb. If I was to take a guess, it would be a paging file out of control. Right now, w/ 512mb of ram the max size is set to 1.5gb. I'd image that if you had 1gb of RAM, it would swell to 3gb. I mean, it's hard to imaging that you could get 6gb of data from one CD :)
I was hoping to be able to take my companies 2k3 Standard Server, throw it on a Virtual machine, and burn it to a CD for the other trainers here at work. But with RC2, that OS was over a gb by itself without the paging file. Also, if you are like me (hopefully not), you might have a three of four virtual machines based on the same OS. I might throw together a little tutorial on taking advantage of the redo log so that you only get the 1gb hit for the OS once for however many virtual machines out there you might have. Anyone interested?