Underpant Gnomes
Kent's suggestion to build your own compiler reminded me of my great idea. A new programming language called D-Flat. It would be C# without the stupid case sensitivity.
- Build D-Flat and VS.NET integration. Make D-Flat's intellisense work as well as VB's.
- ?
- Profit
I still can't figure out why a programming language benefits by being case sensitive. I mean look at the guidelines on it. Ritchie Hughes makes some pretty good arguments in my previous post about this subject (see the comments in C#ase Sensitive), and while he brings up some things I haven't thought about, I still stand by my statement. I just don't see the benefit in being able to having a case sensetive langague. I mean, I could go crazy with unicode in naming things, but it just makes it harder on everyone else. Even just using ë would probably drive people nuts.
My programming language would allow only a possible leading underscore, characters a-z (case insensitive), numbers at the end of the identifier. And that's it.