Software Legends
I've been reading a little of the TechEd propaganda about the "Software Legends" that will be giving presentations this afternoon. That combined with the hours spent playing NBA Street Vol.2 recently has got my mind acting silly. You see, in NBA Street you unlock "Street Legends" as you progress through the games, along with throwback jerseys. So now I'm wondering if they'll be giving out throwback geek shirts at the contest. You know, like MS Bob or Win95 t-shirts. Heck, maybe even go old school and get a MS-DOS mesh hat. Heck, I already have a G. Andrew Duthie playing card, so I guess anything is possible.
Personally, not going to TechEd. Even with all the discounts that seem to get thrown my way for being an MCSD and an MCT (and even more if I work the thing), I still can't afford it and my work isn't going to pay it. It appears raises have been halted, which is a big kick in the pants because last year I also got the shaft but was told that I'd get my pay up to speed once the economy has gotten better. Anyway, I'm not one to complain about that kinda stuff (let's be honest, I get paid to learn cool stuff and show it to people), but maybe I can leverage the crap I've been given in exchange for a trip to the PDC.
If by any chance someone who's in charge of finding presenters reads this, and needs someone with a good sense of humor and good knowledge of .NET to lighten things up in exchange for a free trip and tickets in, I'm all ears :)