Stupid Install Tricks

I never knew this, so it's new to me (duh).  Anyways, if you press shift-F10 during a windows setup you get a command prompt.  What's the importance of this?  You can play freecell while setup runs.


  • That's a gem...thanks for the tip!

  • I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that playing freecell during setup is probably a bad idea :-). I just thought the concept of play freecell while waiting for the thing to install was kinda funny.

    Anyway,s this would have saved me some time in the past. On my MSDN cds I burn I tend to add a cdkey.txt file because I can't read my handwriting with the install key. I started an install of windows, and the only copy of the cdkey I had was on the cd. If I knew I could at least print out the contents of that txt file, it would have saved me at least a half hour of shenanigans.

  • comment is like windows dont work and will not install rss or missing drivers or need things. so you give feedback and no one fixs the site. so i say . if no one will fix the site why should we buy microsolf. and how much did we lose on microsolf.

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