Descriptions and Bandwidth

Scott was talking about descriptions, and RSS and the such.  One of the more interesting post abous this (well, same topic but October) is from Joel:

Does anyone care about the RSS feed? About 12% of the IP addresses that came to Joel on Software yesterday came to get rss.xml. That's more than I would have thought, but it was a slow news day. I would expect when I actually post a long new article, I would get the same number of RSS clients but way more normal web browser hits. I was also surprised to see that Ranchero NetNewsWire, created by former UserLand employee Brent Simmons, is more than twice as popular as his ex-boss's product Radio (377 subscribers for NNW, 163 for Radio.)

Most of the RSS subscribers are whacking me every hour, which is actually costing me cash money in excess bandwidth charges. How can I set it up so they only visit once a day? Is this an RSS option? I rarely post more than once or twice a day. Maybe I should change the RSS feed to just include headlines with links.

Scott, thanks for the bandwidth and thanks for the server space.  I think I'll start making a habit of posting descriptions to help you out on the RSS.  Not everything I have to say is important, and I certainly wouldn't want to suck up bandwidth with a 10pg diatrite on why I think sports commercials are the premier form of art in the 21st centery (or even worse, VB.NET code).  If I can't throw together some description in under 500 characters on why someone might want to read my posts, well tough for me. 

On a related note, everytime someone says "Semantic Web" I want to set myself on fire. 

1 Comment

  • Thanks. I wouldn't worry about the bandwidth too much.

    If it ever becomes an issue, I will just decrease the number of items in the RSS feed. At the moment, it shows all of your posts for the last 7 days you made a post (note, not calendar days).


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