Google Chrome
So not really a big surprise but Google launch a new browser today called Chrome.
Now one question to my future self: When I am going to get some sleep?
Not only I have to struggle with two main browsers and their different versions and different OS, now one more on the way?
Crazy world. I might just drop dead one day, totally exhausted!
Check here the live Chrome Press Conference. Seems to be only for PC at the moment.
Update: What puzzle me is for me the first time I think Google going public on thier launch with a live conference. Not only that, but also put their developers in front of a camera instead of the usual Eric and Larry.
Maybe something new in their PR approach?
The demo is going well, but so far I am not totally impressed. Wait and see...
Update 2: Well it didn't take long, just downloaded Chrome and installed, curious to have a go.