Biggest Databases in the world !

Top ten world databases. Make mine feel very small, something like 200Gb ;-)

Company Database Size (GB) DBMS System Arch. DBMS
France Telecom 29,232 Oracle SMP Oracle HP HP
AT&T 26,269 Daytona SMP AT&T Sun Sun
SBC 24,805 Teradata MPP Teradata NCR LSI
Anonymous 16,191 DB2 for Unix MPP/Cluster IBM IBM IBM 13,001 Oracle SMP Oracle HP HP
Kmart 12,592 Teradata MPP Teradata NCR LSI
Claria Corporation 12,100 Oracle SMP Oracle Sun Hitachi
Health Insurance Review Agency 11,942 Sybase IQ Cluster Sybase HP Hitachi
FedEx Services 9,981 Teradata MPP Teradata NCR EMC
Vodafone D2 GmbH 9,108 Teradata MPP Teradata NCR LSI
Database Size is the total disk storage used for user tables, indices and aggregates in GB. 

Source: Wintercorp

1 Comment

  • Dear Sir,

    I'm a hungarian student of University of Pécs and we have got an excersise to find the biggest database on in the world.I would like to know which Microsoft database is bigger than the one of France Telecom as soon as it is possible because the first one gets the highest points for the answer.

    I'm looking for your letter.

    Thanks for your help: Bernadett Kis

    My e-mail address is:

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