CodeCampOz, Atlas Demos and "The Book"

CodeCampOz is almost here (April 23rd/24th in Wagga Wagga - New South Wales Australia for you non aussies) and I have 2 presentations to give. The first one is a Intro to Atlas and will cover the main concepts with some simple demos. The 2nd is more of a deep dive into Atlas. Both presentations are pretty short (approx 50 minutes is all we have) so its important to get things across quickly but clearly.

I am still unsure of how much XML Script/Declarative script demo to do in the deep dive Atlas session. Obviously there needs to be some but I dont want to get too bogged down in it given the limited time. If you have an opinion on this (ie. lots, a brief look, none at all etc.) then I'd love to hear from you.

I have submitted my 2nd last chapter after author review for the Beginning AJAX in ASP.NET book and have onl 1 more to submit. Almost there....

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