"Peter and the case of the ASP.NET developer"
Solving the mysteries of ASP.NET web control development and discussing the products of PeterBlum.com.
User Controls and the Publish Web Site command
Visual Studio 2010’s Publish Web Site command offers the option “Allow this precompiled site to be updatable”. When used and your application has User Control (.ascx) files, the published application no longer contains your user controls! Instead, the \bin folder contains new files ending in the .compiled extension, one for each User Control. Your User Controls still work though, just through some hidden behaviors that I will discuss here.
More with ajax control toolkit’s combobox and Modalpopupextender
One idiosyncrasy of the ModalPopupExtender is that its HTML content is actually visible while the page is loading, until the $create() call initializes it. If you have a lengthy load time, as I did with a ListView full of records, the visibility is noticeable.
Fixing combobox from ajax control toolkit
I was using the ComboBox control of Microsoft’s Ajax Control Toolkit and ran into two issues.
Defending against Lizamoon Attack
Lizamoon is the name of a SQL Injection attack heavily reported in the press since the end of March 2011. It inserts a <script> tag into your database that when returned, redirects to another site (sometimes with the domain name Lizamoon). That site uses social engineering to entice the user to download what they think is antivirus software, and later to get them to provide credit card information to pay for it. At that point, the hackers have stolen their credit card information.
Exploring Dynamic Data: Other attributes for business logic
Exploring Dynamic Data: Scaffolding attributes for business logic
Exploring Dynamic Data: Textual attributes for business logic
Exploring Dynamic Data: The DataTypeAttribute for Business Logic
Exploring Dynamic Data: Validation attributes for business logic
Exploring Dynamic Data: Article Index
This is the index to a series of articles, to be published periodically, about the elements of ASP.NET Dynamic Data. It focuses on specific technologies, especially the web controls you use to build a Dynamic Data-based web form. As the author of Peter’s Data Entry Suite, I have identified limitations and gaps in Dynamic Data which I will also discuss. My commercial solution resolves many of those limitations and gaps.