Paul Ballard's WebLog

.NET All Day.... .NET All Night. The semi-coherent ramblings of a sleep deprived mind.

  • My Very First Blog Post - And A Complaint

    In the course of my current endeavors as Editor for TheServerSide.NET,  I scour literally hundreds of news feeds every morning (or very late night) looking for nuggets of information worthy of a news summary on the site.  I've waded through more than a few posts about movie reviews, vacation plans, and pets to get to a useful news post.  Now I've decided it's my turn to jump up on the soap box and rest assured that I'll never be blogging about having just seen Sahara this weekend (Penelope Cruz is a Goddess), my upcoming vacation plans (None I'm afraid), and my pet (Pets actually, two labs named Maggie and Libby).  The posts will be on anything .NET related as well as architecture and application design in general.  If I do throw in some personal observations, it will be categorized as such and you should feel free to ignore it.  This is my pact to you, fair reader, and what you can count on me for.