Paul Ballard's WebLog

.NET All Day.... .NET All Night. The semi-coherent ramblings of a sleep deprived mind.

  • Rory Blyth - Blogger, Blue Badge, And Now Piano Man?

    While at Tech-Ed 2005, I had the occasion to wander into Pat O'Brien's at Universal Citywalk for some sing-along piano and Hurricanes.  Just after we got there an amazing thing happened.  Two new piano players donned the stange, one of them looking strangely familiar.  

  • Why I Love Texas!

    A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I got the opportunity to visit the nearby (in Texas terms, only a four hour drive) city of Austin.  One evening we decided to venture out to a local landmark called The Oasis.  The Oasis is a restaurant with dozens of multilevel decks hanging from the side of a mountain 450 feet above Lake Travis.  It's a picturesque spot and the site of many a wedding reception and party.  That evening, like most I understand, people filled the decks drinking excellent Margaritas, eating decent Tex-Mex, and most importantly watching the sunset over Lake Travis.  When the sun finally dropped below the distant hills, the crowd erupted in applause and cheers.  It was a truly awe inspiring moment.  But that's not why I love Texas, or at least not the main reason.

  • Microsoft Watch Jounalist Sells Credibility on EBay!!!

    Okay, so not really.  I just thought I'd give the Microsoft Watch policy of sensational headlines followed by a story to the contrary a shot.  It seems to work for them after all.  Just a couple of days ago they published a news item with a headline of "Ouch! .NET Framework 2.0 Breaks Apps" with a short story claiming that Microsoft has "run into a brick wall in terms of getting applications written to the .NET Framework 1.1 to work with .NET Framework 2.0".  Then when you click the link to read more about the story, you go to an article about Microsoft recruiting developers to test their applications for compatability.

  • A Quick Introduction to Text-To-Speech Synthesis in .NET 2.0

    When I heard that the Indigo and Avalon Beta 1 RC had the new managed Speech APIs I decided I just had to take a look.  You see, I’ve been a geek for quite a while now and when I was but a wee lad (okay, I’ll admit it I was never actually all that wee of a lad), I saw this movie called “Tin Man”.  It was a universally panned film about a deaf man who creates a speaking computer called Osgood.  Then in the late 80s or so, when the old SoundBlaster sound cards came out with passable text-to-speech I used to sit at the keyboard and let my 5 year old son talk to my computer, which of course I called Osgood.  He’d say Hello and I’d type a response and the words would come out of the computer which literally amazed my son.  Ah, the magic of fatherhood.

  • Dallas Geek Dinner -- Beer, Games, and Hold 'Em

    I attended the Dallas Geek Dinner this past Monday night here in Dallas (the bustling metropolis of Grapevine actually).  Although turnout was light, it was a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to the next one.  Next time though, we should play poker for MSDN Universal IDs. :-)

  • Speaking at Visual Studio 2005 Dev Con

    I'm going to be delivering the Building Databound Smart Clients talk in the Building Smart Clients with Visual Studio 2005 track at Dallas Visual Studio 2005 DevCon on June 16th.  This is going to be a great one day conference focused on Visual Studio 2005 and .NET 2.0.  The registration fee is only $99.00 (that's about $1799 less than TechEd) and you could win a Creative Zen Portable Media Center. 

  • Mobile Development Coolness and Smartphone Envy

    So those of you paying attention may have noticed that the subtitle for my little piece o' the blogsphere is ".NET All Day.. .NET All Night..."  This would be one of those "All Night" posts as it's currently 2:32 am and I just finished going through some content for TheServerSide.NET that we'll be posting tomorrow afternoon which is generally in the realm of .NET Mobile Development.  Forgive the subterfuge, but I can't say what it is just yet but keep an eye on the site later this afternoon and you'll be sure to see it.

  • Using Data From SharePoint 2003 Lists

    A buddy of mine asked me to help him figure out how to get the data from a SharePoint list for a project he’s working on.  I thought rather than showing him one way, I’d show him three and let him decide which method is best for his application.  Now I think I’ll share this with the rest of the world in case anybody else is doing the same sort of thing.