MSDN Article - Creating A Custom Collection With Databinding

The article I wrote for MSDN magazine has started to show up in subscriber mailboxes.  It describes creating custom collections that implement design-time databinding support both for .NET 1.1 and for .NET 2.0.  Here's a quote from the article.

To enable your collection to have design-time data binding, you next need to implement the IBindingList interface. The IBinding- List interface defines the methods and properties necessary for a list-based UI control like the DataGrid to be able to add and remove items from the list, sort the list based on the selected column, and search for a value in the list. Figure 4 shows the complete list of properties and methods that define the IBindingList interface.

The source code is downloadable for both versions at (Available Tuesday, July 12) and if you have any questions feel free to ask them here or send me an email at Paul<at>

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