Tech-Ed 06 Demo Code - Writing Outlook Add-ins using Visual Studio Tools for Office 2005
As promised, here is the source code for the demos I did during my breakout session OFC331 - Creating and Using Outlook Add-ins in Visual Studio Tools for OFfice 2005. There are two demos and each one shows different aspects of Outlook customization. The demos are written in VB.NET.
AWBrandedEmail - This demo provides the ability to send email using custom HTML templates for branding. It shows the following VSTO/Outlook features:
- Creating Custom CommandBars and CommandBarButtons
- Working with Outlook Events
- Working with Outlook Built-in Items
- Debugging Outlook Code
- Embedding Resources into Outlook Add-ins
AWHumanResources - This demo is a bit more complex and shows how to integrate Windows Forms controls into Outlook Add-ins. It highlights the following VSTO/Outlook features:
- Extending the functionality of built-in items
- Working with Folders
- Replacing built-in Inspectors with a Custom Windows Form
- * Adding Tabs to the Options Property Page
* I ran out of time during the live demo and wasn't able to show this but I have added the code to this source for readers to use as an example.
Download the Outlook Add-Ins Demo Code As always, your comments or questions are welcome. I will be adding more advanced customization samples soon, so watch this space.