VB.NET Is Still Object Oriented, Isn't it?
While parusing the books though, I realized that in an entire shelf of books specific to VB.NET, published by companies like Wrox, Microsoft Press, and Sams, not ONE SINGLE BOOK contained even a chapter on object oriented programming. Not one!
Thinking this must be an oversight I checked the C# books and sure enough, the books I checked all had chapters on object oriented programming. Why then don't VB.NET books contain at least a mention of OO? If not the publishers then surely the authors should understand the importance of laying the proper foundation before diving into the WinForms designer or ADO.NET. Don't they?
That's not to say that books on OO with VB.NET don't exist. My buddy Dan Clark wrote a good one and I know that there are others. But in one of the biggest stores of the second largest bookstore chain in the country in the 4th largest city in the country, I couldn't find a single book on VB.NET that included object oriented programming. If there is a message in there somewhere, I really don't like it.