What's in Your eWallet?

image I have been a long time user of ListPro from IliumSoft.  However, I was "misusing" ListPro.  What I really needed was the features found in their product called eWallet.  I need the ability to sync (not overwrite) sensitive data between my PC and my mobile phone.  I also wanted the UI to be as simple as possible to use.  After reviewing the product features, and running the trial version on my PC, I made the decision to purchase it and the smartphone version.  After installing the product on both PC and mobile phone (Motorola Q, Windows Mobile 5.0), I quickly attempted to sync.

I was frustrated immediately when I got the following error:
eWallet doesn't seem to be installed on your device.  Please install eWallet on your device.

What?  I had just installed eWallet on my device!  When I looked at the "SyncPro" log file, it revealed:
eWallet was unable to sync any wallets

So now it appeared that the PC version could not see the device version.  I quickly navigated to Windows Mobile Device Center, and observed I was connected as follows:
Windows Mobile Device Center - Connected

Oddly enough, even the PC version of eWallet acknowledged my device and that it was connected:

synchronization setup, device connected

I quickly looked at my order confirmation to get contact information for product support.  I emailed the support staff (with all the screenshots in this blog, thanks to SnagIt) concerning my issue, and hoped for a quick response.  And a quick response is what I got!  First, I received an automated email with a case number.  I was a little worried that a human response would not follow any time soon.  But to my satisfaction, I was provided an email with instructions to uninstall both products and reinstall again.  That's it?  Yep, and it worked.  I am now syncing my life data away.

That brings me to the point of this blog.  What I will remember about today is not how frustrated I was (and I was) when a problem surfaced.  Rather, I will remember how the matter was resolved.  I will remember the lightning-fast response time of the service team at IliumSoft (thanks Kevin).  I will remember that if I buy products from them, I needn't worry too much if a hiccup occurs during installation or while the program is running.

To that end, I am determined to highlight good experiences like this for others to review.  I give eWallet and IliumSoft two thumbs up!

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  • I agree on their great service - and how it makes a huge difference in general.
    And eWallet it great. I've used it in various forms from back when I was a Palm toting road-warrior to current forgetful old man status ;)

  • I echo this. I was using the trial version of eWallet and ran into a problem. They responded back and forth by email in the same day and I had the problem fixed and I hadn't paid a dime for it yet. I purchased eWallet right after that. You can't go wrong with this kind of service.

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