Cisco CCNA Training - Day Four
Day four of my CCNA training at [itt] began with a discussion of the OSPF protocol. Then we learned about EIGRP. The day ended with optimizing the expanded LAN using switched internetworking. I really enjoyed how Mike Storm explained VLANs. All the content was a great continuation from day three.
One amazing aspect of this class experience is the team-based labs. I have learned so much from my lab partners. All of us troubleshoot differently - thus we all learned different perspectives. When I write .NET developer courses in the near future, I will certainly incorporate this into the learning experience. I have some ideas for making it perfect for developers, but do you wonder (as some might):
Would .net developers like or hate team-based labs?
For now, a special thanks to Brad and Blake for helping me survive through day four. Especially a big thanks to Blake for helping me with my prerequisite issues and keeping notes when I 'disappeared' from the class on occasion.