Cisco CCNA Training - Day Four

image Day four of my CCNA training at [itt] began with a discussion of the OSPF protocol.  Then we learned about EIGRP.  The day ended with optimizing the expanded LAN using switched internetworking.  I really enjoyed how Mike Storm explained VLANs.  All the content was a great continuation from day three.

One amazing aspect of this class experience is the team-based labs.  I have learned so much from my lab partners.  All of us troubleshoot differently - thus we all learned different perspectives.  When I write .NET developer courses in the near future, I will certainly incorporate this into the learning experience.  I have some ideas for making it perfect for developers, but do you wonder (as some might):

Would .net developers like or hate team-based labs?

For now, a special thanks to Brad and Blake for helping me survive through day four.  Especially a big thanks to Blake for helping me with my prerequisite issues and keeping notes when I 'disappeared' from the class on occasion.

1 Comment

  • Steve-Do you ever tour any states on the east coast, nlemay South Carolina, more specifically Columbia? I just recently relocated from Cave Creek, AZ for a job promotion and am considering moving back because I dearly miss the good times had at Cave Creek Coffee Co. and watching you perform. Please let me know if you have any future plans to tour in the South. Hope to catch a show soon.Regards,Steve

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