Upcoming Speaking Engagements

There are some exciting events coming up around the Charlotte area which I'll be speaking at.  Next weekend is the Charlotte Code Camp Spring 2008.  I'll be speaking on what is currently fresh on my mind, and what I believe is very applicable to developers today.  The session is titled "What every developer needs to know about IIS 7". 

Here's the Code Camp agenda: http://www.developersguild.org/Default.aspx?tabid=248  For anyone in the area, I encourage you to register before it fills.

IIS 7 has many new changes that affect the developer this time around.  With IIS 6, mostly just the server administrator benefited.  But, with IIS 7, there are many changes that apply to the developer.  There are deployment changes, web.config configuration changes, the new system.webServer which applies to all types of files, distributed configuration, better debugging and troubleshooting tools, new remote management tools and those are just the most obvious.  The list goes on when you talk about the modular framework, extensibility, shared configuration for webfarms, security and FTP changes just to name a few.  I'll be speaking this very topic.

The other event in this area is July 8th in Ashville.  There is a new user group starting up next week, May 13th.  (http://wncdotnet.com/Brian Hitney will be presenting on "Building Next Generation Web Applications with VS2008" for the opening night.  Dave Kolb asked if I would speak at one of the following events.  I can't in June because I'll be at TechEd 2008, but I will for July 8th.  Ashville is a beautiful area about 2 hours North of where I live so I'll take my wife and kids and stay the night.  We're all looking forward to the trip.  I'll be covering a similar session as I will at Code Camp.


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