Do Unit Test and Integration Test from same test code using Conditional Compilation

You usually write unit test and integration test code separately using different technologies. For example, for unit test, you use some mocking framework like Moq to do the mocking. For integration test, you do not use any mocking, just some test classes that hits some service or facade to do end-to-end integration test. However, sometimes you see that the integration and unit test are more or less same, they test the same class using its interface and perform the same tests against the same expectation. For example, if you think about a WCF service, you write unit test to test the ServiceContract using the interface where you use some mocking framework to mock the interface of the WCF Service. If you look at the following example, I am using Moq to test IPortalService interface which is a ServiceContract for a WCF service. I am using xUnit and SubSpec to do BDD style tests.

public void GetAllWidgetDefinitions_should_return_all_widget_in_widget_gallery()
    var portalServiceMock = new Mock<IPortalService>();
    var portalService = portalServiceMock.Object;

    "Given a already populated widget gallery".Context(() =>
        portalServiceMock.Setup(p => p.GetAllWidgetDefinitions())
            .Returns(new Widget[] { new Widget { ID = 1 }, new Widget { ID = 2 }})

    Widget[] widgets = default(Widget[]);
    "When a widget is added to one of the page".Do(() =>
        widgets = portalService.GetAllWidgetDefinitions();

    "It should create the widget on the first row and first 
column on the same page"
.Assert(() => { portalServiceMock.VerifyAll(); Assert.NotEqual(0, widgets.Length); Assert.NotEqual(0, widgets[0].ID); }); }


Now when I want to do an end-to-end test to see if the service really works by connecting all the wires, then I write a test like this:

public void GetAllWidgetDefinitions_should_return_all_widget_in_widget_gallery()
    var portalService = new ManageCustomerPortalClient();

    "Given a already populated widget gallery".Context(() =>

    Widget[] widgets = default(Widget[]);
    "When a widget is added to one of the page".Do(() =>
        widgets = portalService.GetAllWidgetDefinitions();

    "It should create the widget on the first row and 
first column on the same page"
.Assert(() => { Assert.NotEqual(0, widgets.Length); Assert.NotEqual(0, widgets[0].ID); }); }


If you look at the difference, it’s very little. The mockings are gone. The same operation is called using the same parameters. The same Asserts are done to test against the same expectation. It’s an awful duplication of code.

Conditional compilation saves the day. You could write the unit test using some conditional compilation directive so that in real environment, those mockings are gone and the real stuff gets run. For example, the following code does both unit test and integration test for me. All I do is turn on/off some conditional compilation.

public void GetAllWidgetDefinitions_should_return_all_widget_in_widget_gallery()
#if MOCK
    var portalServiceMock = new Mock<IPortalService>();
    var portalService = portalServiceMock.Object;
    var portalService = new ManageCustomerPortalClient();

    "Given a already populated widget gallery".Context(() =>
#if MOCK
        portalServiceMock.Setup(p => p.GetAllWidgetDefinitions())
            .Returns(new Widget[] { new Widget { ID = 1 }, new Widget { ID = 2 }})

    Widget[] widgets = default(Widget[]);
    "When a widget is added to one of the page".Do(() =>
        widgets = portalService.GetAllWidgetDefinitions();

    "It should create the widget on the first row and 
first column on the same page"
.Assert(() => { #if MOCK portalServiceMock.VerifyAll(); #endif Assert.NotEqual(0, widgets.Length); Assert.NotEqual(0, widgets[0].ID); }); }


The code is now in unit test mode. When I run this, it performs unit test using Moq. When I want to switch to integration test mode, all I do is take out the “MOCK” word from Project Properties->Build->Conditional Compilation.


Hope this gives you ideas to save unit test and integration test coding time.

Shout it


  • On the CI server I would like to automatically run both unit and integration tests. In this case I think it is more maintainable to have two separate tests which may happen to call a shared utility method.

  • Great post, tkx a lot.

    I have one question. Do you have any way to set the database with an initial state?

    I have lot's of integration test to do, and I need to set the database to an initial state. What you do for that?

    Paulo Aboim Pinto
    Odivelas - Portugal

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