TestDriven.NET by Jamie Cansdale
Zero Friction Unit Testing for Visual Studio .NET
Release Notes - TestDriven.NET: 2.0 Beta 2
This will be the last significant update to TestDriven.NET 2.0 before the RTM version. I would be very grateful if you could report any issues that you find!
NCoverExplorer... v1.3.4
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TestDriven.NET Enterprise & Professional
I have recently released two commercial versions of TestDriven.NET. The need to create a commercial version kind of crept up on me. I had been working on it as much as I could between consultancy gigs. By the end of last year I realised it had turned into very much a full time job. I was actively turning down work in order to carry on supporting TestDriven.NET. For this to be sustainable I really needed to become an ISV!
Code Coverage Tips
I thought I'd share a couple of code coverage FAQs.
TestDriven.Net Users Geo Map
I have recently started using Google Analytics and am pleased to discover what a cosmopolitan lot TestDriven.Net users are. Here is a plot of the last 500 visitors. The largest clusters are in Beijing, Tokyo, London, Paris and Moscow.
ClassLibrary Projects and App.config
In Visual Studio .NET 2003 if you want you unit tests to use an app config file you need to ensure a config file exists with the same path as your test assembly but ending with '.config'. Life has improved a bit with Visual Studio 2005 as it will automatically copy any 'App.config' file to the correct place even for ClassLibrary projects. You can achieve the same affect in VS2003 by using the following post-build event:
Security Apps Break .NET 2.0 Remoting
The problem manifests itself as a crash whenever a .NET Remoting TcpChannel is closed. It isn't the application that closes the channel that crashes, but the application at the other end. In the case of TestDriven.Net it depends which functionality you're using which end crashes. If you use 'Test With... Debugger' then Visual Studio 2005 will crash. If you use 'Run Test(s)' then the test process (ProcessInvoker.exe) will crash when Visual Studio exits.
ASP.NET 2.0 Web Sites and Project Dependencies
I have had the occasional report that TestDriven.Net doesn't always build project dependencies. Until recently I hadn't been about to consistently repro this. It now seems the issue is related to having an ASP.NET 2.0 Web Site as part of a solution. For some reason as soon as a web site is added to a solution the dependency checking breaks down. This even happens even with unrelated projects that were working fine before.
Running TestDriven.Net on Vista
I haven't had a chance to install Vista yet, but Reggie has. If you're having trouble getting TestDriven.Net to run on Vista, you may like to read this post. The thing you need to remember is that by default TestDriven.Net installs for the current user (this allows for Limited User installations). If you change to an Administrator account to do the installation then make sure you install for "all users". If you install as a Limited User then TestDriven.Net will be installed in the 'Documents and Settings\User Name\Application Data' directory rather than 'Program Files'.
Firefox Copy / Paste bug driving me insane!
There has been a bug in Firefox for a long time that causes Copy / Paste to work inconsistently on Windows. Recently this bug has been driving me mad. After doing a little investigation I hear this bug is supposedly fixed in the soon to be released Firefox