TestDriven.Net Users Geo Map
I have recently started using Google Analytics and am pleased to discover what a cosmopolitan lot TestDriven.Net users are. Here is a plot of the last 500 visitors. The largest clusters are in Beijing, Tokyo, London, Paris and Moscow.
Ingo Lundberg from Sweden recently contacted me about a bug where failed tests where not double clickable or showing up on the task list. This turned out to be caused by a new feature in .NET 2.0. In .NET 2.0 stack traces are translated into the local language. For example in Sweedish a test run might look like this:
------ Test started: Assembly: Test.dll ------
TestCase 'Test.TenPotHandlerTests.qwe' failed:
vid Test.TenPotHandlerTests.qwe() i C:\src\dotNet\Test\TenPotHandlerTests.cs:rad 29
0 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped, took 0,67 seconds.
Did you notice the Swedish text "vid" (== at) and "rad" (== line) in the output? I'm curious to know how TestDriven.Net is working for users in China, Russia and Japan. If you're reading this from one of those locations, I would grateful if you could get in touch. You can find my contact details here.