IBloggable - implemented
FeedBurner not getting my latest blog articles from weblogs.asp.net–need help
This is more of an ‘I need help’ kind of an article. So, my feed stopped getting updated with my blogs – a few of my blogs from April and May do not show up in the feed.
WCF Data Services Toolkit to talk to any database using GetAll, GetOne, Save, Remove methods
I did a primer on using WCF Data Services in my last post. One of the things I’m seeing about the posts regarding WCF Data Services using OData is that they used Entity Framework to do the DAL work. So a lot of underlying work gets hidden by using EF. Here is a post that allows you to connect to any database using the traditional ADO.NET way.
Accessing data as resource through URI - WCF Data Services
Open Data Protocol (OData for short) allows CRUD operations on your data by exposing it as a resource accessible through a URI. So you can try something like below directly on the browser to get a collection of all employees less than 26 years of age.
http://somesite.com/EmployeeService.svc/Employees?$filter=Age lt 26 -
Attach to IISExpress process from Visual Studio
With VS2010 SP1, you can attach an application process to IISExpress to enable debugging of an application. Here’s how:
It’s a boy – Ayush is here
The 19th of April will remain a special day for us for the rest of our lives. Pallavi and I had our first one on this day at 1:25a. Ayush was 3.4kg (7.48lb) at birth. Both Mom and son are doing good.
Executing SQL queries on SQL CE 4 through Entity Framework
In my previous blog, I wrote about how to use inheritance through entity framework on SQL CE database. In this blog however, I’ll explore how you can run a typical SQL query statement on the database table and read/write the values. I will build on the application that I used in the last article.
Entity Framework Model Inheritance with SQL CE 4
For some (unknown) reason, I’ve been curious to work with SQL CE, just hadn’t gotten a chance to work with it. If you’re not familiar with what SQL CE is all about, go through this article from Scott Gu.
VS2010 crashes fixed with Productivity Power Tools upgrade
I’m guessing people have at least heard of Productivity Power Tools plug-in for Visual Studio. If not, I strongly recommend you give it a shot.
Drawing on a webpage – HTML5 - IE9
So I upgraded to IE9 and continued exploring HTML5. Now there’s this ‘thing’ called Canvas in HTML5 with which you can do some cool stuff.
HTML5-MVC application using VS2010 SP1
This is my first attempt at creating HTML5 pages. VS 2010 allows working with HTML5 now (you just need to make a small change after installing SP1). So my Razor view is now a HTML5 page.