VSS Code Synchronization

The funny thing about VSS is that the code synchronization is pretty slow when you are working on an onsite-offshore model. Consider this. I have a VSS Database in US. The developers are working here checking out and checking in files. There is another team working offshore. In a situation like this the synchronization becomes a nightmare if you have a separate VSS Database for the Offshore team.

Eventually the offshore team ends up checking out files remotely which is another development nightmare because the check out check in takes ages. And in case one of the developers is not disciplined enough and doesn't check in his files, then the onsite team doesn't know what to do and that module has to remain un-touched until the developer in India walks in the next day.

Visual Studio 2005 has come up with some new techniques to optimize the remote check out check in process as much as possible. But even so...

I am thinking about a strategy so that the team off shore works on a separate VSS Server and the synchronization isn't much of a nightmare... I am thinking that the responsibility of synchronizing should be handled by one person, who maintains the discipline and does his job efficiently... I have to come up with a strategy that makes sense... And i should be able to justify it...

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  • I am use VSS because is integrate in vs2005 pro.

    How integrate subversion in vs2005 ?

  • Ok the thing is the version of the software or the software cannot be changed. It has to be VSS and it has to be 6.0. we are using this with Studio 2002. Long history. Project running since last 1 year, company acquired by my company, need to integrate the current project with my company, etc.

    I am just looking at a new strategy for code synchronization VSS 6.0 with Visual Studio 2002 and not a new kind of software.

    So gentlemen, I know there are other smarter software availabel to do the synchronization. But unfortunately we can't use them in a situation like this.

    Any suggestions?

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