What are Enterprise architecture patterns and how we should define them?

 As you probably know design patterns are clearly defined and used broadly across the industry. So if this concept works so good for software why shouldn’t it be working for enterprise architecture as well? Why can’t we, as enterprise architectures, have certain enterprise architecture blueprints who describe the business, information, application, infrastructure architecture and even the governance process? Well, I’m playing with this idea for quite a long time and I’m starting to realize that we can create enterprise architecture patterns.


  • Martin fowler's book is realy great! But, I'm dealing with enterprise architecture pattterns and not with Enterprise Application Architecture. Enterprise architecture deals with the big picture that include how the business works, Information that needs and how it managed/used/maintain, application architecture(Martins domain) and needed Infrastructure.

  • Take it back then, don't know any books like that. It may end up varying wildly depending on the business, esp wrt size...

  • Architecture is an abstract concept with too many meanings to too many people in different work domains. Since software engineering field is kind of new; architecture and architect practical meaning is still developing. Needless to say, software practiootioners deal with this term in terms of application and information manners. Enterprise architecture is a higher level than application architecture but it touches it in too in details.

    Enterprise architecture patterns in software product line type of applications has been used minimally, and in general n-tier single applications with many interfaces to other applications is not being used efficintly.

    I think understand design patterns and business patterns with general reading about deployment modeling helps in widening the knowledge about what enterprise architecture pattern is. Reading about Business Enterprise Architecture Modeling articles should be very helpful. Architects should not rely on specific book when they work in IT field specially when it comes to higher level documents which involve too many system owners inputs.

    Martin fowler is a very good guy when it comes to light design and extreme programming, but I don't recommend his views when it comes to high level huge design efforts systems.

  • Quite informative...

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