Steps to create Enterprise architecture from the beginning (for organization without any defined architecture).
1) Finding which models and tools are currently exist by using a toolbox consist on a check list of structure, application, Infrastructure.
2) Definition of Actions Fields (AF)
a. Constraint
b. Influence
c. Control
d. What are the current problems
e. What are the goals?
3) Determine goals and solutions to solve the current situation and fulfill the AF.
4) Prioritize those actions to achieve goals and solutions.
a. Identify stockholder
b. Identify their concerns (from AF)
c. Prioritize by stockholders concerns.
5) Working in iteration for stage 1-3 to set level of architectures (reference architectures).
6) Definition of tolls for achieving the architecture
a. Business
b. System
c. Infrastructure
7) Establish process of work to enforce the architecture,
a. Establish architecture board
b. Set application, Information and
c. Documentation of arc. Determinations from enterprise IT parties.
8) Testing.
a. Level of standardization for development.
b. Level of standardization for infrastructure.
c. Efficiency of IT.
d. Covering of business need by IT.
e. Efficiency of deployment.