Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 / 4.0 Configuration in Case of Machine rename / CRM Database server change / Domain Controller Change
Dears, I had wierd issue while running MS CRM 2011 after I changed the machine name. I would like to share the configurations with you that I did for my case and hope that it will be helpful for you too.
First of all, let me explain what kind of errors you will get on machine name / domain controller changes,
- CRM deployment Manger will give exception
- Record not found when you try to open crm url in explorer
- Server ID not found
The solution is simple but need DBA assistance on changes... please take backup of the MS CRM conguration Database and Windows registry.
I have divided the steps in to two sections.
- The registry changes,
- The Database changes
Registry Changes
- go to RUN then execute regedit to open the windows registry
- you will find two key that needs to be change
- configdb, it is database connection string where CRM configuration DB is there. you need to change the databse server name in that key.
Data Source=YourDBServerName;Initial Catalog=MSCRM_CONFIG;Integrated Security=SSPI
- ServerUrl, it is the CRM service url. you need to chnage the server name here also.
That all for the first step.
Database Changes
- Open the database server with the user which has access to the CRM configuation database "MSCRM_CONFIG"
- Open the query editor in that database and run the following queries.
[HelpServerUrl] = 'http://YourServerName:5555/'
[ConnectionString] = 'Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=YourDatabaseServerName;Initial Catalog=YourOrganizationDatabase;Integrated Security=SSPI',
= 'YourDatabaseServerName',
= 'http://YourReportingServerName/reportserver'
[Name] = 'YourServerName'
Please note that I am assuming the you have only one instance of CRM installed in your organization Database server otherwise, you need to add WHERE clause with related primary IDs.
Thats all and you are done with the configurations. you can check the CRM in browser like
I hope this article will be helpful for you.