The new CPU Laptop MonKey (monitor+keyboard)

Face it, laptops are flimsey. We have 5. They constantly have problems and 3 recently broke down. Just in time for Christmas.

Our girls like to sit on the couch and use their laptops. They don't haul them around, just pick them up off the end table and put them on their laps and use them.

We have Desktop CPU's, 10 of them. They are great. We only need to replace them when we want to go bigger and better.

So, I want a CPU MonKey (monitor+keyboard).

I want to set a CPU on the floor. Then hook a laptop-like Monitor and Keyboard to it wirelessly, and then the user can sit on the couch and use their MonKey (monitor+keyboard) to control their CPU which is sitting on the floor.

The MonKey unit is much cheaper than a laptop and the CPU is much more rugged and affordable as well. So no more expensive, broken laptops.

So then, people like my daughters and millions of gamers, who always sit in the same chair, etc., can now use their MonKey to laptop-enable their CPU.

So, has that been invented? Where can I get one?

May your dreams be in ASP.NET and may you get a MonKey for Christmas!




  • Hi!

    I've had plenty of laptops, but the recent ones that I've got seem to be pretty sturdy.

    All the old ones had issues - stuck screen hinge, loose power connector, dead hard drive, and stuff of that sort.


  • If they can call an up-turned trackball a mouse, sure you can call a monitor with a keyboard a monkey :-)

    'MonKeys' do exist in server racks and HP sells them. The LCD monitor even folds over the keyboard just like for a laptop.

    It might be pricey though, simply because it has holes drilled into it to mount it into a server rack. At least that's the case for routers and servers - the rack-mount versions cost more than the regular ones.

  • Thanks! I went to HP to see if I could find it. Right here:

    17" monitor. It costs $1,869.00. Wow. They think highly of their laptop minus its guts, don't they!

    The MonKey SHOULD cost less than a laptop AND less than a CPU!

    Is there such a thing? I want to buy it! If not, I'll invest in it! They should sell like hotcakes! You can compete with these outrageous $1869.00 gutless laptops.

  • 4-6 years ago I saw a device which was like a tablet PC, roughly 13-15 inch monitor, took input in like a tablet, and I think it even could roate and have a keyboard.
    it looked like all it was doing was opening a terminal session up with your pc. This device was not a computer but a thin client, that worked over your wireless network.
    It had a price tag around $1,200 which is probally why I've not seen them anymore.
    I think your on to somethign though. My wife right now has her laptop next to the kitchen sink, would much rather have a monKey there instead

  • hey, you've got a brilliant idea and you 've already found a name for it.
    monkeys would surely sell like hot cake.
    i 've been looking for one for weeks. if you do invest in it though, do it fast or someone else will still your idea (patenting the name would be a good start).

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