Where thumboo is already used?
My new started service for creating screenshots of any web page is used more and more. http://www.sharepointkicks.com/, http://www.dotnetkicks.com/ (those two sides only used it while WebSnapr was not working) and http://www.worldwidirectory.com/ are using the thumbnail service to visualize outgoing links on their web site.
thumboo is creating thumbnails and full sized screenshots of any web page, try it for free at http://thumboo.com/.
The next days the history overview page will be available. There you are able to have a look at all screenshots I made on a domain or a complete URL.
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bsimser said
Taking credit for someone else? SharePointKicks and DotNetKicks use websnapr.com for their images? I took a look at your service but not sure since a) there's nowhere to say how to get different size images [there only seems to be one page] b) the contact and beta pages linked on your main page create 404 errors. Doesn't instill a lot of confidence.
fmarguerie said
Sorry to disappoint you, but http://www.sharepointkicks.com and http://www.dotnetkicks.com appear to use http://websnapr.com
LarryB said
I haven't had the opportunity to use it yet, but I will be using it for a PHP website I develop on. They need a way to capture screen shots of websites that they review and this will be perfect.
gavinjoyce said
I've actually being swapping between using both thumboo and websnapr. Currently I am using websnapr as the speed at which thumbnails are taken was quicker this morning.
Will Sahatdjian said
The "Register for Subscription" link on your front page is broken...
interactive said
I stopped offering the service because it was used on too many web sites (like some web directories). If you are interessted in all the snapshots I have taken including the database I will offer a free download next. The think with dotnetkicks was that they used it while WebSnapr was not working, sorry for that. Michael