Cookieless Session running with Ajax.NET Professional (ASP.NET 1.1, fix for 2.0)
The problem why cookieless sessions are not working in ASP.NET 2.0 is very easy, there is a change how it works internal. I have already fixed the code that it will work with ASP.NET 2.0 as with the older version 1.1. Have a look on the new release version (or higher) in the next minutes on my web site.
A bug in ASP.NET 2.0 (it is not really a bug, it is only not working the same way when cookieless sessions is enabled) requires a change in the web.config file. Currently I have used the common system.web section. Now, I will add a location tag instead to configure the Ajax.NET Professional http handler. I wrote a complete example web.config that is working for Ajax.NET Professional and added some comments directly in the web.config file.
xml version="1.0"?><configuration>
<sectionGroup name="ajaxNet">
<section name="ajaxSettings"
To hide internal knowledge of assemblies, classes and namespace
you can override the name of the virtual http endpoints.
<add type="Namespace.Class1,Assembly" path="mypath" />
This section can be used to add new IJavaScriptConverters to the
Ajax.NET Professional engine. If you want to disable built-in
converters you can use the remove tag.
<remove type="Namespace.Class1,Assembly"/>
<add type="Namespace.Class2,Assembly"/>
Set the enabled attribute to true to get Stack, TargetSize and Source
information if an exception has been thrown.
<debug enabled="false" />
This is the default configuration used with Ajax.NET Professional. You
can put there your static JavaScript files, or remove the path attribute
to completly disable the files.
<file name="core" path="~/ajaxpro/core.ashx" />
<file name="prototype" path="~/ajaxpro/prototype.ashx" />
<file name="converter" path="~/ajaxpro/converter.ashx" />
<!-- <encryption cryptType="" keyType="" /> -->
Set the enabled attribute to true to enable the use of an Ajax.NET Professional
token. This will send a token to the client that will be used to identify if the
requests comes from the same PC.
<token enabled="false" sitePassword="password" />
<location path="ajaxpro">
<add verb="*" path="*.ashx" type="AjaxPro.AjaxHandlerFactory,AjaxPro"/>
If you need to have Ajax.NET Professional methods running on the
login page you may have to enable your own authorization configuration
<allow users="*,?"/>
1 Comment
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Ilyas said
I tried this, under 2.0 but I cant get cookieless sessions to work at all...