Comparison of AJAX frameworks for ASP.NET

Tags: .NET, AJAX, Ajax.NET, ASP.NET, Atlas

Daniel sent me his comparison of indirect AJAX programming frameworks for ASP.NET. As Ajax.NET is a framework where you have to do JavaScript programming other frameworks allow you to use AJAX stuff simply by adding some configuration to you web.config or by inheriting from a special page class.

See the comparison of AJAX frameworks here:

Note: Ajax.NET Professional has some prototype functions included that are not needed for all the calls (i.e. HelloWorld example). The client scripts are cached locally so you will have only a initial higher traffic. Daniel will add more diagrams that will show how the frameworks can be compared with multiple calls. As Ajax.NET Professional is a framework for advanced users it will have the smallest traffic.


  • Prashant said

    Hie Michael,

    this is something unrelated problem.

    I have <Ajax.AjaxMethod(Ajax.HttpSessionStateRequirement.Read)> Public Sub showInviterGraphics(). In this sub, I'm calling a module, in which I'm saving a bitmap image in some folder. But in save method, I'm getting error "A generic error occurred in GDI+.". Previously this code of saving image worked fine(but without implementing AJAX). M I missing any parameters to achieve the same using AJAX..plz comment.i'm stuck coz of this..thnx..

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