Michael's Blog

ASP.NET and Embedded Development

  • Inline code usage and Ajax.NET

    I got some requests on how to use inline code with Ajax.NET. Here is a small demo that will get the server time: <%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.Page" ClassName="WebForm6"%> & … more

  • Initial AJAX JavaScript objects

    In some scenarios you will call an AJAX method direct after the window.onload event. The window.onload event will start an asyncronous method and wait for the response. As you can imagine the call … more

  • Awash in the myKB.com Ajax.NET Code

    Scott Cate, a Microsoft MVP, has recently upgraded his popular myKB.com site to use Ajax.NET. In this video, he takes us both on a tour of his new code, and at the same time also a little tour of the … more

  • Using Ajax.NET to create a real time user interface

    With any web application there will need to be requests made to the web server to get the latest versions of dynamic data.  In an application like bttlxeMail Webmail every little action requires … more

  • Ajax.NET Professional - Google Group

    Because I get a lot of questions several times I have decided to create a Google Group (http://groups.google.com/group/ajaxpro) to have something like a forum available for all Ajax.NET developers. … more

  • AJAX and back button

    I had already some discussion about the back button problem with AJAX related applications. In some scenarios we need this behavior, not for every action. But what we should seperate: the back button … more

  • Ajax.NET Visual Studio .NET 2005 Installer

    I put a small template installer on my web site at http://ajaxpro.schwarz-interactive.de/download/AjaxNetProfessional.vsi. This Visual Studio installer will add a web site project template for C# and … more

  • ASP.NET Spiced: AJAX (MSDN article about Ajax.NET)

    From Karl Seguin: Learn how AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) can be used to make your Microsoft ASP.NET applications more dynamic and responsive: IntroductionSince the start of Web programming, … more

  • Atlas Callback, Timeout and Error Handler

    Because we are still missing some more docs about the Atlas Framework I have check the JavaScript files to give you a short overview over the use of how to write callbacks in the same way Ajax.NET … more

  • Atlas AutoComplete Feature (UPDATED)

    Yesterday evening I build some example code for the AutoComplete feature in Atlas. What you need as first it the AtlasCore.js JavaScript which will give core functions to the page: <html> & … more