Michael's Blog
ASP.NET and Embedded Development
AJAX working as a TCP/IP connection
Today I have finished a working demonstration using AJAX as a TCP connection. With that demonstration you can use a HTTP connection as a real TCP/IP connection:<script type="text/javascript"> … more
AJAX in South Africa
My parents are currently on a business trip in South Africa, and they saw this AJAX writing: more
HTTP Limits Connections Per Server
"Clients that use persistent connections SHOULD limit the number of simultaneous connections that they maintain to a given server. A single-user client SHOULD NOT maintain … more
Ajax.NET Date Picker Control
AJAX Date Picker is a free ASP.NET 2.0 calendar control that utilizes AJAX techniques to get data from the server without an entire page postback. You can specify the clickable dates on a given month … more
Sample chat app using .NET 2.0
You can download the changed chat demo application at the Ajax.NET Professional Google group. This is using an internal version of the library that will not have the memory bug. more
Chat today about Ajax.NET Professional
I got some requests on having chat sessions from time to time. Because we didn't searched for a good chat application we are using http://treehouse.ofb.net/chat/?lang=en for a first chat test today: … more
RSA for JavaScript
I found a nice implementation for RSA on JavaScript maybe used in a ICryptProvider for Ajax.NET Professional to secure the data is sent from the client-side JavaScript to the server and back. For … more
Ajax.NET/Atlas Client Debugging
I read the blog from Rob Chartier and want to show you a feature that is available in Ajax.NET and Atlas. Both libraries are adding debug methods to the client-side JavaScript code. Ajax.NET … more
Ajax.NET and System.Web.Caching.Cache
Today I found an article about caching using Ajax.NET. In the article the author said that the Cache object is not working with Ajax.NET. I have done a small example to show how to use the Cache … more
Pre-build to fix prototype problem with third party controls
I have uploaded a new pre-build of Ajax.NET Professional that will fix several bugs. - arrays of own objects- prototype removed JavaScript code (third party bugs!)- added toJSON … more