Michael's Blog
ASP.NET and Embedded Development
Endlich Windows Vista auf Deutsch!
Endlich ist es soweit, Windows Vista ist auf Deutsch verfügbar über MSDN und Technet. Mal sehen wie, ob die Deutschen auch so verrückt sind nach der ISO Datei, und Microsoft den … more
Windows Update und IE7
Heute ist es soweit, die meisten Windows XP Benutzer werden den Internet Explorer 7 über das automatische Windows Update erhalten. Interessant sind die Details des Updates: "Features zur … more
Why some of my AJAX mistakes are nothing new
On my last post I wrote about some common mistakes when upgrading your web application to an AJAX enabled one. I got a great feedback on this post... and a couple of developers wrote something like & … more
The top 10 mistakes when using AJAX
The last months I found more and more web sites that make a heavy use of AJAX to be on the Web 2.0 train, but a lot of them are very strange because they are slower than before, you will get more … more
.NET Developers Group München - Web 2.0 für Webentwickler
Ich bin morgen Abend (20. November 2006) bei der .NET Developers Group München und spreche über Web 2.0. In meinem Vortrag möchte ich verschiedene Frameworks (Yahoo! UI, Dojo, AjaxPro, … more
Get your AjaxPro Web Application running on Mono (for Linux Dummies)
For all of us who are not familiar with Linux here is a short description how to get your ASP.NET web application using AjaxPro running on Mono. The Mono project offers a great VMware … more
JavaScript performance - access to global variables [part 1]
While reading several posts about JavaScript performance [1] [2] I did a simple test, too. My first part will compare Firefox and IE7 using global variables compared with local ones. var x = {" … more
What's next with AjaxPro?
That's a good questions: what's next with AjaxPro? I'm still working on the Java port of AjaxPro, working already very good. During the port I found several new ideas on how to improve … more
AjaxPro on Mono
Today I meet Miguel de Icaza (blog) at the Prio conference in Baden-Baden. Miguel is the founder of the Mono project which implements a common language runtime on linux that will be 100 … more
Where thumboo is already used?
My new started service for creating screenshots of any web page is used more and more. http://www.sharepointkicks.com/, http://www.dotnetkicks.com/ (those two sides only used it while WebSnapr … more