Ajax.NET for Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 (beta)

I have compiled the Ajax.NET library for the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (beta). You can download the ajax.dll from http://ajax.schwarz-interactive.de/download/ajaxbeta.zip. If you have time please give me some feedback if it is running or not in your ASP.NET 2.0 projects.

Note: If you are using your own IAjaxObjectConverters and you have put the code for this in the App_Code folder you have to change your web.config to use the assembly "App_Code" instead of i.e. "CSharpSample".


  • Wallym said


    Great. I'll definitely check this out. FYI, the existing dll already "runs" under Whidbey, but I will assume that this one is optimized for specific "whidbey-isms."


  • AT said

    Will definately check this out, been using your previous release in .NET 2.0 and seems to be running fine. Have run into problems where i've had to stop/start IIS and rebuild my projects but I've been waiting for a 2.0 optimized release. Thanks!

  • Bruusi said

    Hi Michael,

    I have used the library a lot and I think you have done a great job!! Thanks!

    Just a note to say that the dll you compiled for the .NET framework 2.0 has not got a Strong Name.



  • john said

    Hi there,

    I was going through the first code sample and ran into an error. When I try to call the server side function from the client with:

    var response = Main.ServerSideAdd(100,99, ServerSideAdd_CallBack);

    I get a javascript error saying it doesn't recognize "Main" as an object. Main is the name of my Page class in the codebehind file.

    Could it be with .NET 2.0, it has a problem with the partial class, or do you think it could be related to using master pages.

    Part of the view source shows this...
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/Extranet/ajax/System.Web.UI.IndexedString,System.Web.ashx"></script>

    So the page class doesn't seem to show in that src, like it does in your documentation.

    I'm a little new to framework 2.0, what do you think?


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