Useful links and resources for .Net designers and developers - Part 1

Since today, I am going to share my major useful links and articles which I found during the week, here. This helps you take advantage of my findings and also helps me to keep the track of my activities.

So let’s get started.

1. Official Bootstrap Resources:

A rich set of gathered components, plugins, websites, resources and everything related to Bootstarp. You need to have this page in your bookmark if you are such a big fan of Bootstrap.

2. Ladda UI for Bootstrap 3:

Integrating a loading indicator image inside Bootstrap buttons.

3. AwesomeChartJS:

Great looking charts with JavaScript and the canvas element. You can also find a directive of AngularJS for this library here.

4. Magnific Popup:

Magnific Popup is a responsive jQuery lightbox plugin that is focused on performance and providing best experience for user with any device (Zepto.js compatible).

5. Android for the Busy Developer:

If you are a busy developer and have no time to spend on learning android app development, here is a free course offered by TutsPlus and created by Dino Esposito for you.

6. What not to do in ASP.NET, and what to do instead:

As the title implies, this article is about what to use and what not to use from .Net offered features during all these years in ASP.NET. This article is not similar to lots of other titles all over the internet.

7. Why AOP Is Good For Your Health!

A brief useful explanation on Why AOP Is Good For Your Health!

Have fun programming!


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