Problem During Installation SQL Server 2005 on Windows 7
Yesterday I was trying to install SQL Server 2005 on windows 7. During installation a popup error dialog shown with this message:
Here is the captured screen:
But in books online there was no useful information!
After some hours googling, I did not found any useful information and at 3 o'clock of midnight, I was scratching my head!
Believe it, I attempted to install SQL Server more than 15 times with different manners (with command prompt & parameters and else).
Eventually I found source of the problem, that was "BitDefender Internet Security 2010"!
After uninstalling BitDefender Internet Security, I installed SQL Server 2005 and then reinstalled BitDefender.
Just that! Problem resolved.
After installing a new version of windows and it's requirements (like IIS and
language specifications & else), first install the SQL Server and the Visual Studio
and then other applications.
Hope be helpful.