Do you ever forget the correct format for a connection string? I know I do. Check this site out.

I always forget how to properly format a connectionstring. Whether it's the correct spelling of the parameters. Or when to declare a provider and when not to. If I need a provider, what's its name. I know. I know I can look it up on msdn or online help or better yet google for it. But there is an easier way. It's a simple site that does nothing but, you guessed it, give examples of connectionstrings. It's simple to remember and the answers seem to be correct. At least the ones I am looking for.

-Mathew Nolton

1 Comment

  • You can also create a text file on your desktop using the "udl" extension. When you double-click on it, it gives you the data source creation dialog. When you're done, you can open this file in notepad and copy the connection string directly from there.

    This is good if you're offline...

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