Kiosk Software

Just heard from my brother-in-law in Rhode Island that a friend of his paid his Cox Communications Cable Bill via a Touch-Screen Kiosk that I helped build.

What makes this really sweet is that I own the framework that the Kiosk was built upon. Myself and one other person developed the framework and licensed it to Cox Communications. They have rolled it out to Rhode Island, Las Vegas and New Orleans at their customer service centers.

It supports both Spanish and English and enables Cox Communications Customers to pay with Cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover Credit Cards. It prints a receipt to them and pays their bills real-time via Web-Services back at the home office in Atlanta.

We built the framework using C#, SQLServer, Extensive use of Web-Services and a sweet framework that uses the configuration file extensively to configure the flow of screens. For example, each screen is defined in the configuration file with its assembly and class name as well as which screen to go to if the user touches the next, back, cancel or help button as well as the screen to go to if an exception occurs. Each screen is defined with this same information so if we want to change the flow of the application we can change the config file, restart the application, and bot-a-bing-bot-a-boom the application behaves differently. I will be providing further blogs with code snippets on how we built it.

Rock on.


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