Arrogance + Ignorance = A Recipe For Failure

 The other day I was reading through a bunch of different blogs and one blogger had a quote about Arrogance + Ignorance being a deadly combination. I tried later to go back and find where I read it in order to give proper credit but I could not find it.

How true. For example, when I am interviewing someone or talking to someone and trying to determine how deeply they understand a technology...I am looking for the “I don't know” response. I am also looking for how well someone listens. So many people are afraid to say “I don't know“ Or are too busy talking to sit back and listen. It's ironic really. In a world where technology changes so fast it is so important to stay on top of your game, but if you cannot say I don't know or spend the better part of your day will you ever learn? Now, I am not talking about getting in a passionate discussion about one design versus another. That's healthy. It's also ok to have some intellectual arrogance. But if you think back and cannot remember the last time you said “I don't know“ or you cannot remember the last time you really listened to someone else's design ideas and said “Cool“ you have thought this out. Or “I like your solution“. Then maybe you should lay off the caffeine. Not only does Arrogance + Ignorance stunt your own growth but it stunts a projects chance for success. A manager or lead who does not listen to those around them is a disaster waiting to happen.

-Mathew Nolton


  • It was me you quoted, but the quote is (nont-verbatim) from a person out of a SF book, the "Daily Lama" (yeah, try finding out the book), written by Wolfgang Hohlbein.

    He has quote some mre, one particular I like is along the line of:

    If a stupid idea finds and empty head, it fills it out completly, because there is nothing in this empty head it whould have to compete with for the space.

    Which reminds me on the usage of XML for everything including wahsing dishes some people like so much.

    For all others: I do exactly rmemember the last time I sai "I do not know" or "I do like your solution". Happens rarely in the newsgroups or when I am posting, though.

  • hahh. i like the empty head comment.

    thanks for the laugh,

    -Mathew Nolton

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